Writer, Editor, Stand-Up Comedian

Home Home

Posted: March 6th, 2018 | Author: | Filed under: Column | 2 Comments »

The manuscript I first wrote a decade ago and rewrote while in hell in an airport in Suriname in 2016 is now being published as Home Home by Papillote Press, after being named third place in the CODE Burt Awards for Caribbean Literature in 2017. We’re hoping to do a launch at the 2018 NGC Bocas Lit Fest.


2 Comments on “Home Home”

  1. 1 On Bill Burt, the Burt Award (for Caribbean Literature), and the 18 teen/young adult Caribbean fiction titles it produced | Wadadli Pen said at 5:31 pm on October 14th, 2019:

    […] a Papillote book. I actually couldn’t find a lot from Lisa re the publication on the book but she did say this about its genesis on her blog: “The manuscript I first wrote a decade ago and rewrote while in hell in an airport in […]

  2. 2 Frank Flanagan said at 10:08 am on March 11th, 2020:

    I will be presenting your book
    Home Home in Prof. Collin’s “caribbeanchildrenyoungadultliterature” class in mid-April the University of Puerto Rico.

    If I have any questions, can I query you?

    Thanks so much,

    Frank 🙂

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