Writer, Editor, Stand-Up Comedian

Jamaica Observer interview with Lorna Goodison

Posted: March 7th, 2018 | Author: | Filed under: Column | No Comments »

With extraordinarily good timing, the Jamaica Observer has started a new series of interviews between Jacqueline Bishop and Jamaica’s women writers. Goodison of course is the author of a number of books of poems and short fiction, and was made Jamaica’s Poet Laureate last year. The interview’s timing couldn’t have been better, as today Goodison was named one of the 2018 winners of the Windham-Campbell prizes, “informing them that they have each won a $165,000 (£119,000) award that is intended to give them the freedom to write, liberated from money worries”, said the UK Guardian.

The Bookends interview in the Jamaica Observer’s not available online but you can read it here: Lorna-Page-1

(Thanks to Jacqueline Bishop for sharing the PDF.)


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